Ala Residencias

Situado en la frontera entre México y Belice. Con vista a la bahía de Chetumal y al río Hondo.


Doña Sonia Master Suite

Centro Neurálgico del comercio y los nativos de Quintana Roo, Chetumal es hoy Capital política del Estado y eje turístico de Arqueología, cultura y destinos de playa , la ubicación y confort de esta lujosa Suite, permiten al huésped relajarse y disfrutar de la mejor vista de la Bahía en el sitio donde Inicia México.

Con la vista del Muelle fiscal y el monumento al pescador la terraza en la parte superior del edificio convive en tranquilidad de una zona única.

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About Us

Located in the area where the development of the capital of Quintana Roo began, on the Mexico-Belize border, our property is located, from which we offer our visitors an experience during their stay in the city of Chetumal.

We are a small company which specializes in warmth and attention to its guests.

The pictorial design of our rooms and common areas was created by the Quintana Roo muralist Gerardo Barragán, who, with his incomparable talent, captures in each space the mixture of cultures between Mexico and the Caribbean.

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